
And Now I is One

Learn MORE about

Mervyn J S Mitchell

and his 'Engineer's Tale'

This site is under devlopment -

 OF COURSE It is - I am still a bit of a contractor

A Brief History of a life in

in Contracting

From Birth to Retirement

 a Devious Route

The Future looks bright

Eager Innocence

Third Fifteen


A Few edges

were knocked off

The Army rounded

off a

few more

Locally Known as

The man with his head on Upside-down

The Sideburns are staying

They are in fashion

in 1969

The Shades,

 The Heat

The Dust and

 the sweaty Helmet

The Safety Jacket Image

No Cynicism here at all

The last Formalities

All the edges are now fully round

Just checking out the temperature and the Vintage

The Sideburns are coming back into Fashion


I was very happy to use an old 1950's Vernier Theodolite in 1970

I didn't know any better then

I would like to think I do now